Breaking Device News…… So much easier now! takes the unpleasant out of Self-Injection Nightmare
Customized to provide the users with a safe and easily controlled injection, with the throughout
You are not alone.....Kids or Adults.....Needles Fears are Common.....We have the solution.....
To overcome your's fears-discomfort-uncomfortable situation!

PenGuide assistant…. Gives you pleasure and strength.
The PenGuide assistant is a reusable Device system designed to fit a wide range of pens. Created for people who prefer not to see the needle or performa needle insertion…. Is extremely easy and fast to handle. PenGuide assistant has a large gripping surface, so you can hold it firmly in your hands.(Super Grip) Once it’s attached to the pen, it completely covers the needle you won’t see the needle during injection because the insertion button inserts the needle into the skin for you. Promote better health care for people with diabetes
The PenGuide Assistant from Union Medico is a tool to help people who either have needle phobia or need a hand to place the needle in the tissue. Eliminating your phobia /anxiety
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Needle Length from 4mm to 16mm